The Open League Toncoin


Getting into The Open League S3

Getting into The Open League S3

Hello, TONys!


As you should know by now if you follow what’s going on in the TON Ecosystem, Season 3 of The Open League, a long-term incentive program that aims to distribute 30,000,000 Toncoins within 3 months for TON users, projects, teams and merchants, ended on May 29 at 11pm UTC. There will be a two-week break before the start of the next season.


Now, how about using this gap between seasons productively? It's time to introduce The Open League to those who yet don't know about it!


What You Will Do:

Your task is to research the answers to the following questions and create a Maxipost or X-Thread:

  •  What exactly is The Open League? (How does it work?)
  •  What is TON's goal with this initiative?
  •  How has this initiative contributed to the TON project and ecosystem?



  • Create a Maxipost of at least 400 Characters or a thread of at least 5 posts.
  • Increase the visibility of your content by adding appropriate visuals. 
  • Links to your research should be included in your Maxipost and X Thread posts, as well as mandatory mentions and hashtags:
    • @ton_blockchain
    • #TON 
    • #TheOpenLeague
    • #TCHub


Validators will reject any submission if it doesn’t meet the requirements on this task.



  • Participants will receive 50 points for submitting a valid Maxipost or X -Thread.
  • Contributors

who create the most engaging and informative Maxipost or X Thread (TOP-5) with good visuals will receive up to 500 points and 0.05 REP boost.

Published on: 30/05/2024Due date on: 14/06/2024


Due date


Points rewards


Reputation rewards


Total Submissions

118 / ∞

Required Influence


Required Reputation


Votes enabled
